Product Code: 15297
Product Description:
Author: Edgar Brinsmead
Binding: Embossed-in-gold hardback book
Length: 254 pages
Published by Simpkin, Marshall and Co.
Publication Date: 1889
With an account of the theory of sound and also of the music and musical instruments of the ancients
The Building of the Piano
Music Trade Directory 1935
From Piano Tuner to Player Expert
Repairing the Pianoforte
The Pelican History of Music
Irving Berlin
MO-ANA Hawaiian Waltz
When you wore a Tulip and I wore a Big Red Rose
Forest Echoes Waltz
Waltz Amelia – New ball-room dance.
My Moonlight Madonna
My Lulu – Mein Liebling
My Little Bimbo
Bells Across The Meadows
South of the Border (Down Mexico Way)
Rendez – Vous
Leon Adam’s Liselotte as a Valse.
Frolic-Time Lancers
Valse D’Avril
Lady Lavender
A True Lover’s Knot Valse
In a Persian Market – Intermezzo Scene
Peg O’My Heart
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